Frequently Asked Questions
What is the MNA PAC?
The MNA Political Action Committee (PAC) Board is a group of MNA members from across the state who are appointed by other members. The committee has three main goals: evaluating candidates for endorsement; raising and allocating designated funds to support endorsed candidates’ campaigns; and educating fellow members about political action.
Who is on the MNA PAC Board?
MNA PAC Board members
Jamie Adrian
Becky Baldwin (Chair)
Jeffrey Breslin
Renee Curtis (Vice Chair)
LeAnna Johnson
Patricia Kampmann-Bush
Elizabeth O'Connor-Rogers (Secretary)
Melissa Raymond
Therese Smith (Treasurer)
James Walker
Christine Vanderkolk
​Why do nurses need a PAC?
Elected leaders in Lansing and D.C. make the laws that affect our daily lives. Nurses and healthcare professionals need a voice in this process so we can protect our practice, our profession and our patients.
While MNA members work hard to lobby legislators and educate them on our issues, the reality is that in politics, money talks. Candidates need funds to run successful campaigns.
It’s important for nurses to endorse and support pro-nurse, pro-patient candidates so we can (a) get them into office and (b) counterbalance the hospital industry’s influence over legislators.
Doesn’t MNA take money out of my dues for the PAC?
No. All money in the PAC fund – every single dollar – comes from voluntary donations. You can make a recurring or one-time donation here.
Why should I contribute?
Just as a union is only as strong as its members, a PAC is only as strong as its contributions. Every dollar makes the voice of nurses louder at the Capitol. Your contributions are allocated with great care by fellow MNA members who are committed to advocating for nurses, healthcare professionals and patients.
Doesn’t MNA only endorse Democrats?
No. The PAC is nonpartisan, and MNA strives to work with legislators on both sides of the aisle. If candidates complete our screening process successfully, they are eligible for consideration, regardless of political party.
How can I have a voice on the PAC?
PAC Board members are appointed by fellow MNA members. To learn about the board and how to apply, please email pac@minurses.org.